Simple Ways to Speed Up your
Digestion and Metabolism
When you consume a large meal, or a heavy carb meal, your body goes into a general state of low energy due to the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system in response to the increase of mass in your gastrointestinal tract. Your energy is being diverted to aid in digestion, so “non-essential” functions such as, exercise and muscle exertion are placed on the back-burners.
As a general rule of thumb – the bigger the meal, the harder it will be for you to stay awake! When you eat a lot at once, your body ends up shifting more of its energy to help with digestion.

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Here is what you need to do
Add lots of fiber to your diet. Fiber is the number one recommended treatment for digestive problems.Add
Get more probiotics in your system.
Probiotics are living microorganisms that are similar to the beneficial ones naturally present in your gut. You can get probiotic microorganisms from consuming foods, such as kefir, sauerkraut, miso and kimchi.
Eat more prebiotics.
They are found in some greens, onions, garlic, artichokes, bananas, etc. Prebiotics are a type of helpful bacteria that is similar to probiotics. Studies have shown that a lack of fiber can lead to an overabundance of harmful gut bacteria. Prebiotics promote the growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract and increase the absorption of minerals such as, calcium and magnesium.
Drink plenty of water. The combination of high-fiber and water will increase the efficiency of your digestion. Most doctors recommend drinking eight 8 oz. glasses per day.
Reduce fat and sugar in your diet. Not only can these substances cause stomach aches in high quantities, but they also slow digestion and cause constipation. One way to ensure that you are reducing fats and sugars is to consume less processed foods since they tend to contain hidden chemicals and higher amounts of sugar.
Try eating several small meals per day if large meals give you heartburn or acid reflux. Your body is better at digesting smaller quantities at a time. After you figure out the amount of food that works well per meal, try to keep a regular schedule that your body can easily adjust to.
Eat lean proteins, such as fish and lean cuts of meat. Proteins are essential for maintaining healthy muscles, but lean cuts are less likely to cause heartburn and will be quicker to digest. In general, high-fat foods take longer to digest than low-fat foods.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
Exercise and movement help food move through your system and aid in weight loss, which can also help digestion.
Avoid the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol.
The chemicals inside these substances can cause nausea and undermine the benefits of good diet choices. Caffeine may also cause an increase in acidity in the stomach, leading to high levels of heart burn and acid reflux.
Rebuild Your Gut With A Detox.
Detoxing is a great way to clean up your diet, gut, and eating.
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