Ovarian cysts definition and facts
- Ovarian cysts are closed, sac-like structures within the ovary that are filled with a liquid or semisolid substance.
- Ovarian cysts may not cause signs or symptoms. Larger cysts are more likely to cause signs and symptoms such as:
- Pain in the abdomen, pelvis, sometimes radiating to the low back, is the most common symptom
- Feeling of bloating or indigestion
- Increased abdominal girth
- Feeling an urge to have a bowel movement or having difficult, painful bowel movements
- Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
- Pain in the lower right or left quadrant of the abdomen on one side
- Nausea and vomiting
- There are many causes and types of ovarian cysts, for example, follicular cysts, "chocolate cysts," dermoid cysts, and cysts due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
- Most ovarian cysts are not cancerous.
- Most ovarian cysts are diagnosed with ultrasound or physical examination. Transvaginal ultrasound is a common way to examine ovarian cysts.
- The treatment of an ovarian cyst depends upon the cause of the cyst and varies from observation and monitoring to surgical treatment.
- Rupture of an ovarian cyst is a complication that sometimes produces severe pain and internal bleeding. A ruptured (burst) ovarian cyst usually causes pain on one side that comes on suddenly.

Enzymes have a wide range of beneficial effects that help women with ovarian cysts. In fact, they are necessary for reducing the risk for return, even if you use other approaches. Enzymes are naturally contained in food, and no treatment, no matter how effective, will prevent the return of cysts if you don't bother to eat a healthy diet.
Check out the above chart. Ask yourself can you eat enough lentils to get the beneficial anti-inflammatory effect? NO Yogurt? In fact the more processed food you eat, the less likely you are to get any benefit. Enzyme treatments, like Serracor-NK, for ovarian cysts are the same as natural
enzyme treatments for fertility problems. Cysts are often a contributing factor to infertility. The internal inflammation that you can not see if the culprit. There are several
types of enzymes that are great for inflammation and cysts. The enzymes
that are proven most likely to help control ovarian cysts are bromelain, chymotrypsin,
pancreatin, and papain. Females may wish to seek out a
product that contains a blend, like SerracorNK.
What are ovarian cysts?