Friday, March 30, 2018

High Dose Systemic Enzyme Therapy and Intermittent Fasting to HEAL #Excellacor

When systemic enzymes are used in conjunction with intermittent fasting, a synergy of benefits exists. Practicing intermittent fasting for periods of 16 to 18 hours can improve immune system support, increase human growth hormone, and better equip the body with a better source of fuel for the brain and body in the form of ketones. Intermittent fasting has also been shown to improve hormone signaling as well as to stabilize blood sugar, and increase fatty acid metabolism.

High dose enzyme therapy is best recommended for individuals who use intermittent fasting to heal. In order to be most effective, systemic enzyme therapy must take place  outside a period of food consumption.

The best time for enzyme supplementation is during the morning when most people can fast on cleansing herbal beverages and lemon water.  Furthermore, it is also recommended to go to sleep on a stomach that is not trying to digest and absorb nutrients from a meal too recently consumed before bedtime. If you are not a morning faster, high dose enzyme therapy may be more appropriate for you before bedtime.

Dosing Recommendations for Enzyme Therapy

Cancer Prevention: 5 to 20 grams daily. Preferably 10 capsules in the morning and 10 capsules before bed.

Cancer Patients: 20 to 80 grams proteolytic enzymes daily. Dosage split into 30 capsules in the morning, 20 capsules 3 hours later (preferably 2 hours before and after eating), and 30 capsules before bed.

Metastatic Cancer Patients: 45 to 160 grams daily split into 40 capsules in the morning, 40 capsules later, and 80 capsules before bed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

#Excellacor Using #Systemic #Enzymes in the treatment of #Endometriosis

Using Systemic Enzymes 
in the treatment of Endometriosis

Usually when hearing the word inflammation, people, like me, get nervous. It sounds BAD. Well there is a lot about inflammation that you don’t know and should. Inflammation is a sign that your body is working properly.  Inflammation is a natural response to something foreign in your body, whether it be an injury or infection, the body is trying to get rid of the problem. When, for example, the body is running a fever. A fever just relieves and burns off the foreign matter causing the infection.


Endometriosis What is it?

Endometriosis is a medical condition that occurs when the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, grows in other places, such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries or along the pelvis. When that lining breaks down, like the regular lining in the uterus that produces the menstruation, it has nowhere to go. This causes cysts, heavy periods, severe cramps and even infertility. 

About 5 million women in the United States have endometriosis, but the true number of cases may be much higher, because not all women with the condition have symptoms, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).


The endometrial tissue may also grow in the vagina, cervix, bowel or bladder, and in rare cases it may spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs.