Saturday, June 1, 2019

Try #Serracor for #Veins & #Hemorrhoids


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You pay $99 
(MAP $124.99)

Serracor-NK 150/ 300 Vegetarian Caps Circulatory & Respiratory Support Systemic Enzyme Formula  Contains Enteric-Coated Serrapeptase & Nattokinase 

The benefits of nattokinase and serrapeptase in the treatment of veins is just remarkable. Both enzymes are shown to have a major impact on inflammation. Both nattokinase and serrapeptase are fibrinolytic enzymes. The blood thinning and oxygenating properties of nattokinase make it an appropriate remedy for varicose veins. 

This will really please hemorrhoid sufferers. You will be glad that nattokinase works well for hemorrhoids because they are essentially a varicose vein. Also the function of these enzymes are to decrease excess fibrin. Fibrin is what causes scar tissues and increases healing time.  

Hemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed veins around the anus or lower rectum. They are either inside the anus or under the skin around the anus. They often result from straining to have a bowel movement. Other factors include pregnancy, aging and chronic constipation or diarrhea. 

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You pay $99 (MAP $124.99)

Friday, May 31, 2019

#Diet for #Candida #Overgrowth and #Cleanse with #FloracorGI

According to the Internal Medicine department at the Mayo Clinic, common symptoms of intestinal candida overgrowth are fatigue, headache and poor memory. Uncomfortable to talk about, but discuss these issues with your doctor. Intestinal overgrowth of the fungus-like organism Candida albicans, or yeast syndrome is far more common than you think. To cure the syndrome, the Mayo Clinic recommends a candida cleanse diet, which includes no cheeses, no sugar, no yeast, and no white flour. These foods, in theory, promote candida overgrowth. You may consider the Paleo Diet, as it contains similar foods and most find it easier to follow. Most supermarkets have tabs that let you know it is "Paleo Safe"

Buy Floracor-GI on AMAZON

The Enemy in White Flour & GAPS Diet

When this diet is followed close for at least two weeks, the majority, notice a vast improvement. By stopping the consumption of white flour ( White flour is a highly refined substance that is used in a variety of processed foods and baked goods because it is light, airy and cheap. Unfortunately, refined white flour is completely stripped of its nutrient value, with virtually no vitamins, minerals, or fats to speak of) you are essentially remove carbs and a lot of calories.  So basically you need to
replace processed foods with fresh foods
replace white flour with whole grains

Within a few weeks you will have stopped the growth of yeast in the GI tract, thus complete the candida cleanse diet.