Saturday, February 12, 2022

#Excellacor for #Internal #Inflammation #Systemic #Enzyme #Floracor for #ImmuneHealth #CandidaCleanse


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 The immune system plays an important role: It protects your body from harmful substances, germs and cell changes that could make you sick! It is made up of various organs, cells and proteins. Without a healthy immune system people would not live very long. The immune system protects us from parasites, viruses, infections and bacteria. Contrary to reports by Dr. Fauci you CAN in fact boost your body's immune system.

Your Immune System - Saving Lives

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The immune system is one of the body's most complex networks. The immune system can detect and fight off different pathogens.  Excellacor fights virus activity because it is a proteolytic enzyme, that means a protein eating enzyme. Viruses are proteins. Within your immune systems, there are sensors that signal your body to fight the virus or pathogen.

White Blood Cells 

The strongest part of your immune system is the white blood cell. Without a doubt the most powerful weapons in your immune system is the white blood cells. Stored in tissue and bone marrow. these are the protectors.

Gut bacteria shown to boost immune system

Healthy bacteria commonly found in your gut is also used to stimulate the development of T‑cells, which are responsible for distinguishing your body's cells and tissue from potentially harmful things in your body.

While fre­quent hand wash­ing and social dis­tanc­ing are cru­cial in pre­vent­ing the spread of ill­ness­es, being mind­ful of the food and bev­er­ages you con­sume can also help sup­port your immune sys­tem and keep you well. Tak­ing steps to ensure your diges­tive sys­tem is func­tion­ing prop­er­ly is an essen­tial part of main­tain­ing your over­all health.

When food is bro­ken down dur­ing diges­tion, your gut works to absorb nutri­ents that are used to sup­port a vari­ety of bod­i­ly func­tions including elim­i­nate waste. Healthy bac­te­ria found in your gut is also used to stim­u­late the devel­op­ment of T‑cells, which are respon­si­ble for dis­tin­guish­ing your body’s cells and tis­sue from poten­tial­ly harm­ful things in your body. When there is an imbal­ance in your gut, such as an over­growth of ​bad” bac­te­ria, it can con­fuse your immune sys­tem caus­ing it to start attack­ing your own cells. If your immune sys­tem is busy react­ing to healthy cells, not only is it eas­i­er for you to get sick, it’s also hard­er for your body to recover.

This is why main­tain­ing the bal­ance and health of your diges­tive sys­tem is impor­tant to pro­tect your immune sys­tem. Gas­troen­terol­o­gist, Vishal Desai, MD

Friday, February 11, 2022

#VaricoseVeins #Hemorrhoid #Serracor #Nattokinase





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Serracor-NK 150/ 300 Vegetarian Caps Circulatory & Respiratory Support Systemic Enzyme Formula  Contains Enteric-Coated Serrapeptase & Nattokinase 

The benefits of nattokinase and serrapeptase in the treatment of veins is just remarkable. Both enzymes are shown to have a major impact on inflammation. Both nattokinase and serrapeptase are fibrinolytic enzymes. The blood thinning and oxygenating properties of nattokinase make it an appropriate remedy for varicose veins. 

This will really please hemorrhoid sufferers. You will be glad that nattokinase works well for hemorrhoids because they are essentially a varicose vein. Also the function of these enzymes are to decrease excess fibrin. Fibrin is what causes scar tissues and increases healing time.  

Hemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed veins around the anus or lower rectum. They are either inside the anus or under the skin around the anus. They often result from straining to have a bowel movement. Other factors include pregnancy, aging and chronic constipation or diarrhea. 

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