Monday, January 30, 2023

#Scar #Tissue and #Keloids #Serracor is the best #Natural #Remedy #Holistic


Serracor-NK 150/ 300 Vegetarian Caps Circulatory & Respiratory Support Systemic Enzyme Formula  Contains Enteric-Coated Serrapeptase & Nattokinase 


Combining two or more of the following treatments over several months is usually the most effective way to treat keloid scars:
  • Radiation therapy.
  • Pressure dressing.
  • Steroid injections.
  • Scar revision surgery.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Liquid nitrogen.
  • Verapil (topical cream)
The benefits of nattokinase and serrapeptase are numerous and remarkable. Don't wait six or more months to get results! Try Serracor and see result within the first 30 days. Both enzymes are shown to have a major impact on inflammation. Both nattokinase and serrapeptase are fibrinolytic enzymes. The function of these enzymes are to decrease excess fibrin. Fibrin is what causes scar tissues, increases healing time, and keloids.You will be amazed at the difference. 

A keloid (say "KEE-loyd") is a scar that grows bigger and wider than the original injury. Keloids most commonly grow on the breastbone, shoulder, upper chest and back, earlobes, and face. 

Keloids do not become cancer. But they can be bothersome or painful enough that you seek treatment. Keloids often grow back after treatment. It's possible to prevent a keloid from forming if you take steps to protect the skin after it is damaged.

Serrapeptase and Nattikinase are the most potent fibrin-degrading enzymes in the body.  Excessive fibrin in the blood can clog arteries and lead to various inflammatory diseases. Nattokinase and Serrapeptase are the two essential fibrinolytic enzymes that break down and cleanse the blood of fibrin.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Are you prone to #cysts? Try #Serracor



Nearly anyone can develop one or more epidermoid cysts, but these factors make you more susceptible: Being past puberty. Having certain rare genetic disorders. Injuring the skin.  Anyone can develop a skin cyst, but you're more likely to have one if you've been through puberty, you have a history of acne, or you've injured the skin (for example, if you've damaged a hair follicle). Skin cysts are not contagious.
You can't prevent a cyst from forming, but you can prevent one from getting infected. The best way to do this is to avoid: squeezing it. popping it.

What’s the Treatment for Skin Cysts?

People often get painless little bumps under their skin, called cysts.

Cysts can develop on most parts of the body. Some are found in hair follicles.

They can develop for many reasons -- and sometimes for no obvious reason. They are more common in men than in women.

Skin cysts don’t need treatment most of the time. They’re usually painless and nothing to worry about, unless they get sore or infected.

But if you have a cyst that bothers you or is embarrassing, you should discuss it with your doctor. Also, let your doctor know about any skin conditions you have so they can check them for signs of a serious problem.



A warm, moist cloth on the area might help it drain and heal, but it’ll probably come back. (If it drains, the stuff that comes out will probably smell bad.)

Cysts will sometimes go away on their own.

Your doctor can easily treat them. Options include:

  • Draining the cyst. The doctor cuts the cyst and pushes out the gunk inside. Cysts can still return after this.
  • Injecting medicine into the cyst to reduce swelling if it’s tender, swollen or growing,
  • Removing it by minor surgery to take out the entire cyst wall. This usually keeps them from coming back.
Don't risk having this continue to pop up. Try Serracor-NK today

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Taking a daily probiotic seems to be even more crucial for women. The experts say that we should take one everyday.

If you’ve never heard of probiotics—or if you have, but are looking for a deeper understanding—you’ll want to get The Benefits of Probiotics, from the expert physicians at Harvard Medical School. This information-packed guide shares all the latest findings on probiotics and how these helpful bacteria can supercharge your health. 
  •  Scientists are finding that probiotics can be a powerful ally in the fight against a range of health challenges, including: allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, depression, heart disease, and gastrointestinal (GI) problems. And a recent study showed that probiotics can even help with weight loss! The guide goes over all of these benefits.
  •  You’ll understand how different probiotics treat different conditions. For example, L.acidophilus has been shown to boost healthy digestion and immune function, while B. longum blocks unfriendly bacteria and yeast. 
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